Agriculture plays a significant role in the South African Economy with the sector accounting for approximate 5% of South Africa’s total employment. In rural areas especially, agriculture can be the sole source of income for communities. In Limpopo, around 88.7% households rely on agricultural activities to supplement existing food sources.

In recent years, the sector has faced tremendous challenges such as international competition, environmental changes and lack of development funding. In 2018, only 10% across provinces reported to be receiving any form of agricultural support. Of those that did, rapid decline in hunger rates were reported.

Owing to the remoteness of many communities and the sector’s significance in the province, the Association has prioritised Agriculture as one of its SED levers. The Association sits in a prime position to support communities in this regard, as many of its operation’s transverse potential arable land and it has the ability to supply water to community farmers. 

Background Image credit: Brand South Africa