Lebalelo is developing a concept study to aid both the public and private sector in the construction of a pipeline from their existing Clapham pump station to Polokwane’s water abstraction facility at Olifantspoort Weir. Crucially, the new pipeline will supply water from the newly constructed De Hoop Dam in the south, to the water stressed city of Polokwane in the north.
Lebalelo is developing a concept study to aid both the public and private sector in the construction of a pipeline from Flag Boshielo Dam to the Northern Limb in Limpopo. The aim of the new pipeline is to provide water to both the mining sector and to communities in the Mogalakwena municipality.
Eastern Limb Potable Water
Lebalelo is planning to build on their knowledge within the bulk-raw water space and develop bulk potable water solutions in collaboration with both the public and private sector. The project will focus on the communities located in Lebalelo’s Eastern Limb area of operation, with the communities that fall outside of existing mines SLP commitments being prioritised first.
The Association sets funds aside to assist Communities with respect to access to groundwater. This work covers the construction, commissioning, refurbishing and maintaining of boreholes, along with associated pipes and pumps in the area.